APA Citation Generator for Book Chapter. Structured Guide with Examples

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How To Cite a Chapter in a Book in APA: Structured Guide with Examples

Reference list and formatting rules often appear nightmarish to students. It’s essential to cite every source and piece of facts you mention within an essay as only this way, you can avoid plagiarism. You must show where data was taken from, whether the author is reliable, and whether the source itself is credible. That’s why listing names, titles, publishing info, and even page range is so important and counts toward the final grade. APA, also known as American Psychological Association, is one of the most widespread styles that is used within various educational establishments. Many face difficulties with how to cite a chapter in a book APA, though, as lots of rules have to be followed here. Let’s regard them all in detail.

Guide Showing How To Cite a Book Chapter APA

APA book chapter citation isn’t difficult to accomplish, although it’s accompanied by a set of rules that might be tough to remember. It mostly applies to the list of references as to when it comes to in-text citations, format is similar for all sources, including books and multiple chapters. How to achieve flawless APA citing? There are two options.

First, you can use the services of the EduBirdie APA book citation generator. It will automatically follow all APA formatting rules and cite your sources for you. At the same time, online generators can’t always know everything you’ve cited so far, which can be reflected in its citing of other sources. There might also be situations where you have to create your bibliography quickly and without the use of the Internet. If this is the case, it’s always better to memorize some basic rules by heart and ensure that you can format everything perfectly without any help.

Basic Citation

First, let’s consider how to cite books by following the APA template in general. There are both print books and their online or e-versions. For both printed and online books, in-text citation must include the author’s last name as well as year of publication. It should look like this:

(Author, Year).

With actual names, this is how it will look like:

27% suffer from nervous disorders (Johnes, 2015).

If you mention the writer directly within text, put the date into parenthesis right after him/her.

Devney (2013) states that to win, utmost determination is needed.

Putting all info within the reference list differs for printed and online books, albeit slightly. For printed books, follow this model:

Author, A.A. (Year). Title. Publishing company’s name.
Lewis, L. M. Winning. Sage.

For online books, do this:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title. [Online format], Publishing company’s name. Retrieved from link.
Hotchens, B. F. (2018). Lost Limb. [Mobi], Allyn and Bacon. Retrieved from https://111/.

How to Cite a Chapter in Printed Books in APA

Citing a book chapterAPA is a frequent task. Sometimes, you don’t need the entire book, you just have to use one specific chapter. In-text citations will look just like you can see within examples above. With a reference list, this is the format you should follow.

Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. Book’s title (chapter’s pp.). Publishing company’s name.
Mayllew, K. (2007). Writing Romance Stories. How To Write Fiction (pp. 203-215). Greenhaven Press.

How to Cite a Chapter of Online Books in APA

Rules for electronic/online books always differ a bit from their printed versions.In most cases, though, the only difference is in pointing out the link.So, how to cite APA chapter in a book if it’s online?

Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. Title (chapter’s pp.). Publishing company’s name. Retrieved from link.
Illins, L., & Noks, K. S. (2011). Italy. Travelling Abroad (pp. 111-134). Sage. Retrieved from https://111/.

If the online version has no page numbers, then you don’t have to mention anything, just remove parenthesis with page range entirely. In-text citations for this category will look identically to the above model, (Author, year).

Сiting an Introduction, Preface, Foreword, or Afterword in APA

It’s common when you have to cite a specific section of a book. You might need just an introduction or a conclusion, or even an afterword. Use APA book chapter citation generator and/or memorize this model

Author, A. A. (Year). Section of a book. Title (page range of cited section). Publishing company’s name.
Loomis, D. (2011). Preface. Losing the War (pp. 1-3). University of Illinois Press.

In-text citations don’t differ here from the usual model. Use the author’s last name and publication year. Separate them through comma.

Сiting Pages

How to cite a page in a book in APA? That’s easy. First, APA requires pages only if you’re citing something very specific, like a direct quote. If info used is present on one page only, mention ‘p.’

(Williams, 2014, p. 3).

If there are several pages covered, use ‘pp.’.

(Williams, 2014, pp. 3-4).

If the fact isn’t a direct quote or something explicitly specific, use name and year only.

How To Cite APA Chapter in a Book with editor?

APA citation for Chapter in a book that is edited is done quite easily, especially if you already know how to cite a book chapter by following APA in general. All you need here is adding a mention of an editor before the title.

Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Book’s title (pages of chapter used). Publishing company’s name.
Graham, W. H. (2015). Leaving home. In N. B. Simons (Ed.), Stages of Adolescence (pp. 23-29). Greenhaven Press.

In in-text citations, you have to use the name of the author of the chapter you used. Don’t mention the editor there.

Chapter from Anthology

Anthology means that every chapter in a book has different author listed. The only thing that unites them is a common book and editor. Good news is, it’ll look exactly like in example above when you’re citing a specific chapter written by one writer.

Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title (pages of chapter used). Publishing company’s name.
Lecter, H. W. (2013). Social exclusion. In B. Maurier (Ed.), Criminal Minds Investigations (pp. 33-69). Castle Press.

Entry in Reference Work with Authors Listed For Each Entry

This format is usually needed for encyclopedias or dictionaries, where there are numerous smaller entries. APA citation generator can’t tell what specific entry you have in mind, so check the model below to see how it should be done.

Author, A. A. (Year). Entry title. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Collection title (vol. number, pp. number). Publishing company’s name.
Lincolk, A. W. (1999). Love bite. In F. T. Lupin & J. D. Tompson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminology (Vol. 3, pp. 682-689). Sage.
In-text citations model won’t change here. As always, list the author’s last name and year, as well as pages if citing direct quotes.

Entry in Reference Work with No Authors

Sometimes, there will be essential and relevant works with no mentioned specific authors. It can seem worrying at first but thankfully, APA presupposes rules for this situation. You’ll have to use the entry title as author both within the reference list and for in-text citations. Let’s focus on the former first.

Entry title. (Year). Work’s title (number of edition, page). Publishing company’s name.
Wound. (2013). Johnson’s criminal dictionary (5th ed., p. 72). Simon & Schuster Macmillan.

As for in-text citations, you’ll have to treat the entry title as author. Just put quotation marks around it.

(“Wound,” 2013).

Additional Rules For APA Citation For Chapter in a Book

We sawhow to cite APA chapter in a bookfor many instances. Still, there are more APA intricacies that you might need to know about. Maybe you’ve noticed some of them in the examples above, but let’s emphasize them.

  • When a chapter has two authors or editors, don’t use conjunctions. Instead, unite them via &.
Liliams, L. J., & Monsk, L. for authors and F. T. Lupin & J. D. Tompson (Eds.) for editors.
  • Put titles into italics both in text and in bibliography.
  • Chapters’ titles should be in plain text within the reference list and put into quotation marks for in-text citations.
  • When no date is present use ‘n.d.’.

EduBirdie Book Chapter APA Citation Generator

When you want to make sure that you understand all rules ofhow to cite a book chapter in a book correctly and that your APA formatting is generally flawless, use EduBirdie chapter citations generator. All you need to do is go to our site, click on the citations generator, choose one specific style among many, and fill in required info. Mention title/author/year of publication, page numbers you used. Or, if such option is available for your source, click on one of the books that will be offered once you type in the title. We always strive to do our best, and our generator is among the most efficient ones for several reasons.

  • It’s free so no hidden costs will be presented. Cite as many books as you want.
  • No registration is needed. Just visit EduBirdie’s site, then start generating your citations.
  • It’s easy to use. Everything you need to fill in is pointed out, so simply follow these tips and get your perfect reference.
  • Our APA generator for citing a chapter in a book is very quick. It’ll compose a citation you need within one single moment after getting basic info.
  • It’s reliable since we constantly make necessary updates as well as check it for accuracy.

You’ve learned how to cite chapter in edited book in APA. You’ve seen how to cite chapter in a book from a more general perspective. It’s good to know all these rules but to make your life easier, use our APA citation generator. It’ll help ensure that every reference is formatted properly both in text and in bibliography, no matter how intricate the chosen source seems to be. Enjoy benefits we offer and get only the best grades!